The greenhouses
Around 3,800 species from the rainforests and deserts of the tropics and subtropics are cultivated in the greenhouses on an area of around 2,500 square meters. The tour begins in the rainforest house.
Rainforest House

In the Rainforest House bamboo, bananas and dangling epiphytes are striking. The tree-like pipevine Aristolochia arborea looks unusual. Its flower imitates mushrooms in appearance and smell, thus attracting fungus gnats for pollination.
Fern House

In addition to orchids and various species of jewelweeds (Impatiens), tree ferns and plants of the cool tropical mountain forests grow here. The beautiful Chilean bellflower (Lapageria rosea) and other climbing plants entwine on climbing frames.
Monsoon House

The Monsoon House houses plants of the savannahs and seasonal tropical forests of the humid subtropics. Palm ferns, ginger plants, representatives of the large family of Gesneriaceae and very different titan arum plants can be seen here.
Victoria House

In the large basin of the Victoria House, the giant water lily (Victoria) unfolds its mighty leaves. Here you can also find the titan arum (Amorphophallus titanum), which was chosen as the logo of the Botanic Gardens.
Desert House

Water-storing (succulent) plants grow in the Desert House. On the left, among others, cacti and agaves from the "New World" America, on the right the desert plants from the "Old World" with aloes and euphorbias.
Mediterranean House

The king protea, like the other frost-sensitive subtropical plants, spends the winter in the Mediterranean House. In summer, they are all placed outdoors, arranged according to their distribution.

The Strasburger House is not open to the public. However, you can still admire the carnivorous plants and the Velloziaceae on the large display beds behind the glass.