Opening hours

The Bonn University Botanic Gardens are situated in the heart of Bonn and are easily accessible by public transport. The Palace Garden is located at Meckenheimer Allee 171, 53115 Bonn. The Garden of Useful Plants is directly adjacent at Katzenburgweg 3. Entrance to the gardens is free.

Summer opening hours (March to  October)

  • Daily 10 am - 6 pm
  • April to September: Thursday until 8 pm

(The greenhouses close 30 minutes earlier.)

Winter opening hours (November to Februrary)

  • Monday to Friday
    10:00 am - 4:00 pm
    (The greenhouses close 30 minutes earlier.)

  • Weekends and public holidays (including Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve)

Entrance to the Gardens is free.

Bonn University Botanic Gardens

Secretariat / Administration
8:00 am - 2:00 pm


Phone +49 228 / 73-55 23

Fax +49 228 / 73-90 58


Meckenheimer Allee 171
53115 Bonn

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